WelcomeRAF Brize Norton’s Astra Bowl is the largest bowling alley in the RAF and is established as a major welfare amenity for all service personnel especially those who are either posted to or attached to RAF Brize Norton. The 'Bowl' is headed by a dedicated team supported by two civilian managers who run the bowl on a day to day basis.
Security NoticePlease can we remind all our customers that ID Cards are to be worn on display whilst you are on RAF Brize Norton. The Astra Bowl is a Challenge Zone where ID Cards will be checked. |
Last night was the 8th annual House Championships. Thank you to those that took part, turnout was good, with just 2 less than last year. The highest handicap game of the night went to Mac MacPhearson with 274. This year's winner though was Ken Iredale, making him the new House Champion. Congratulation Ken!
This years tournament took place on Sat. 17th December with 20 bowlers competing. Sandy Church lead from the off with a score of 1365 in round one. Sandy then continued with her good form throughout the day and ended up winning the 15th Santa Singles, Congratulations!
High Game of the day went to Vicki Harman with a scratch score of 268 in game 3. Well done Vicki, a great game! The 16th Santa Singles should be taking place on 23rd December 2023 so please keep a look out on our 'Upcoming Tournaments' page. Thank you to all who took part! |
Last night was the 7th annual House Championships. Thank you to those that took part with a good turnout of 21 participants, over double from last year. The highest scratch game (243) this year went to Ken Iredale and the highest average (215) went to Mac. This year's winner though was Pip Wellsteed, who has previously won in the competition in 2018, making Pip the first person to win the House Championship twice. Congratulation Pip!
We were unfortunately not able to hold this tournament last year, but this year, we have managed to bring it back! even if the numbers were slightly less than normal.
On Saturday 18th December we had 22 bowlers competing for the Santa trophy. Thank you to all who entered and lets hope that things improve so that tournaments can get back to full strength soon! Congratulations to Archie Bartram, who managed to beat his Dad in the final, to be crowned our 14th winner of the Santa Singles. |
House Champion 2021A huge thank you to those that took part in our 6th House Championship last night. Due to the current circumstances, numbers were understandably lower this year, with only 10 participants. Last time round Mac had the highest scratch game (246) and this year he managed to better that with a perfect game! Congratulations. Mac also managed to continue with his high scoring throughout the competition, averaging an impressive 230 over his 6 games, to win this year.
Please remember that all our customers are required to wear a face covering while in our centre.
Rules for face coverings: "visitor attractions and entertainment venues (museums, galleries, cinemas, theatres, concert halls, cultural and heritage sites, aquariums, indoor zoos and visitor farms, bingo halls, amusement arcades, adventure activity centres, funfairs, theme parks, casinos, skating rinks, bowling alleys, indoor play areas including soft-play areas) You are expected to wear a face covering before entering any of these settings and must keep it on until you leave unless there is a reasonable excuse for removing it." For more information about face coverings please see the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own Thank you for helping to keep our customers and staff safe. |
After 21 weeks the lanes are back on and the seating and balls freshly sanitised this morning.
Open TODAY from 10.00 Please call or message the Astra Bowl through our facebook page or website to book lanes from 9.00. 01993 897289 www.astrabowl.co.uk @astrabowlBZN |
Update 14 Aug 2020 We are back! Re-opening from Monday 17th August Please see our opening hours page for revised times and our pricing page for the new hour time slots. We also have a new Operating procedure in place. Please take note of this prior to your visit. |
On Wednesday 6 November the annual house championship was held. This was the 5th year of the competition and is only open to current league bowlers. We had 23 bowlers competing this year. The format was very simple, all bowlers played 3 games with handicap and the top 4 then qualified for a shootout finals where the lowest score drops out after each game. A special mention to Brian Marks for hitting the very consistent score of 170 in all 3 of his games! and to Mac for hitting the highest scratch game (246) and highest scratch series (659) of the tournament.
Thank you to all that took part and supported this tournament. Congratulations to Chris Pratley for winning and becoming this years House Champion! |
On Wednesday 7 November the annual house championship was held. This was the 4th year of the competition and is only open to current league bowlers. We had a great turn out of 27 bowlers this year. The format was very simple, all bowlers played 3 games with handicap and the top 4 then qualified for a shootout finals where the lowest score drops out after each game. Congratulations to all that took part and to Pip Wellsteed for winning and becoming this years House Champion.
Leaguesecretary.com updated their web servers at the beginning of the year and therefore older versions of BLS were no longer able to upload league data.
We have now updated our BLS-2016 program to the latest version, BLS-2019. This now means that we are once again able to upload our league data to leaguesecretary.com and continue to provide all our league bowlers with up to date Standings and statistics. Simply visit leaguesecretary.com and enter your league ID or visit the league section of our site. Tuesday Trios - 95576 Wednesday Trios - 63183 Thursday Doubles - 95870 |
1 August 2018 during the Wednesday Night Trios' League Wayne Willacy bowled a 300 in the 2nd game. This is Waynes' third perfect game he has bowled here. Well done Wayne, great bowling.
To see his final strike check out the video. |
Last year saw 88 entries but due to a clash with the Air Tattoo in Fairford meant that some were working, resulting in 81 teams. All teams play 6 games each and the highest scores plus handicaps are declared the winners.
The first squad started at 6pm on the Friday and saw some great scores from Dave Wellsteed which meant him and son Pip were leading with 2773. The tournament raises money for the British Heart Foundation from just entries alone and this total plus the money from two raffles over the weekend saw over £600 raised last year. |
Kay Rogers presenting Sarah MacPherson with a bunch of flowers for her hard workMike Williams has won the event three times and Chris Lee has won it an impressive 4 times, as he won it in 2015 and 2016 along with his Father Tony Lee. Louise Roberts won the High Game Handicap with 325 and High Series Handicap with 814 and her winnings of £50 she has kindly donated back to the British Heart Foundation.
Kylie Bromley also sold some square for the Body Shop and donated a further £50 to the Charity. This brings the total raised to £687.60, almost matching last year’s total. I would like to say a huge thank you to my friend, Sarah MacPherson, who kindly stepped in at the last minute to keep the scoring up to speed, Brian would have been proud of you. |
21 April 2017 during the Grand Prix League Chris bowled a 300 in the 3rd game. This is Chris' first perfect game and the first time he has bowled over 700 as a series. Well done Chris, great bowling.
To see his final strike check out the video. |
Wednesday 9 November the annual house championship was held. Now in its 3rd year and only open to current league bowlers, we had a great turn out of 31 bowlers. The format for this year was very simple, all bowlers played 3 games with handicap and the top 4 then qualified for a lowest drops out final.
Lanetalk Scoring is an online service that interacts with the score keeping system in the Astra Bowl. Lanetalk AB were the official scoring partner for the 2011 European Men Championships in Germany and are now providing their services to the Astra Bowl. Click the button below to check it out.