The Astra Bowl (hereafter ‘the Bowl’) respects your right to privacy. As part of our commitment to protect your privacy, we have produced this notice to explain what personal data we hold and how we use it. We also want to make you aware of your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our aim is to be fair and transparent about how we use your personal data, to foster greater trust between the Bowl and yourself.
What personal data we hold and why When you sign up as a member of the Bowl, you provide us with personal data on your membership form. The personal data will include your • Name • Postal address • Telephone number(s) • Email address • Date of birth
This is predominately the only personal information we hold. We may ask for health information and/or Emergency Contact details which are classed as ‘Special Category Data’ and requires greater protection, because of its sensitive nature.
How do we collect this personal information? All the information collected is obtained directly from you. This is usually at the point of your initial membership application. Subsequently, the information will be collected via membership renewal forms and emails. At the point that you first provide your personal information for membership purposes, we will also request that you provide consent for us to store and use your data. This request will also be made on annual renewal. Your consent is required to ensure our compliance with data protection legislation.
How we use your personal data The GDPR requires organisations to justify why they use your personal data and specify which of the six ‘Lawful Basis for Processing’ they are assigning to each task.
Membership and Club management • registering and administering your membership • informing you of statutory items, such as AGM notices
The lawful basis for processing is Legal Obligation and Contract.
Matches and Competitions • sharing contact details with club captains, vice-captains, or team managers to help manage team selection for matches, upon request. • sharing contact details with opponents to help arrange competitions or matches • sharing contact details with internal league organisers
The lawful basis for processing is Legitimate Interests.
You can ask for details not to be shared, but this would make it difficult for your inclusion in matches and competitions.
Social Activities • sending information on Bowl events, such as social evenings and competitions • sending information on Club news, such as members’ successes • to arrange bowls parties and facilitate coaching
The lawful basis for processing is Consent.
You will not receive these communications automatically and will need to let the Bowl know that you wish to receive them (opt-in). You can choose to stop receiving these communications by informing the Bowl.
We do not share your personal data outside of the UK.
How long we keep your personal data We will hold onto your personal data for as long as you are a member of the Bowl. The data stored is reviewed annually. Old and incorrect data is deleted from the system and from any backups.
How do we store your personal data Your data is held by one or more of the following methods.
• Paper Based filing system held by the Bowl Management. • Computer based passworded database system held by the Bowl Management. • The Club’s website, provided by a third party, which stores personal data (match results) and pictures. If you have concerns over your details, you should contact the Bowl Management.
Special category data We may collect health data on medical conditions for your safety at the Bowl. This information is securely held and is not available to the public. It is optional whether you provide these details.
Your rights to control your personal data The GDPR provides you with several rights over your personal data. At any time, you can: • request information about how the Bowl handles your personal data • request your details to be updated or deleted • submit a ‘Subject Access Request’ (SAR), which will require the Bowl to provide you with specific details about how and where your details have been used • restrict or object to the way your details are used, such as opting out of the Bowl’s communications
Availability and changes to this policy This policy is available online at This policy may change from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will make members aware of this via email / newsletter / at Meetings / on Notice Boards
How to complain If you are not happy with the way the Bowl has handled your data privacy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). They are the UK’s Data Protection watchdog or ‘Supervisory Authority’. You can submit a complaint via or call 0303 123 1113.
Contact us If you have any questions about the Bowl’s privacy policy or practices, please contact a member of the Management.